Personal Coaching

Personal Coaching Program

What is coaching?

Through personal coaching we will unleash the power within you to facilitate major life and career transitions. it is future focussed and provides intrinsic motivation for fast action. Coaching helps a person to remove obstacles and unlock their resources on their own terms.

We offer personal one-to-one confidential coaching which is best conducted without formal structure and with the coach seeking to elicit the desired change from within the coachee. We know that all of your solutions are within you and that best practice coaching does not require formal structure and delivery of content.

The client (you) is aware that coaching is in no way to be construed as psychological counselling or any type of therapy. Coaching results are not guaranteed.

The client enters into the coaching with the full understanding that they are responsible for creating their own result.

The client is aware that their coaching is dependent on their level of commitment throughout the process.

The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as:

Partnering with clients in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential.

Benefits of Personal Coaching to you?

People often engage coaches to:

  • develop their potential
  • to facilitate major life and career transitions
  • act as a sounding board
  • address self-limiting behaviours


What to expect in the coaching?


I recognise that anything that the client (you) shares is regarded as confidential, whether it is business or personal information. I undertake not to at any time, either directly or indirectly use or disclose any information the client shares with me in a session or interview.

A formal coaching agreement is signed by both the coach and the client prior to beginning any coaching program.

Coaching Session

Coaching sessions are approximately 1 hour in duration and sometimes a little shorter depending on the needs of the client.

Coaching sessions are either face to face in a safe and private setting or they can be over zoom or by telephone.

The coach and the client shall agree to develop a coaching relationship that is fully open, honest, real and trusting.

The coach will only ever ask questions or reflect your own words back to you. There is no telling or judging, as coaching is based on the premise that you don’t need to be fixed and that all answers or solutions are within you.

Some expected outcomes of Personal Coaching:

  • Obtain a clear understanding of your life at present, including identifying specific areas for change/improvement
  • Obtain a clear understanding of the options available to move forward in your life and creating a plan to do so
  • Identify the hidden drivers of your behaviour
  • Align your inner processes more with your desired outcomes to accelerate results
  • Obtain a clearer picture of the moments of meaning in your life and an empowering interpretation of those events topropel you forward
  • More empowered self-talk to cut through self-sabotage
  • A goal-setting system to increase your effectiveness in goal achievement
  • A measure of your success with clear plans to move forward


What are the Personal Coaching services we provide?

We have designed a 12 session Personal Coaching Program for those who may be interested or feel as though they require a tangible product to support their Personal Coaching experience.

A 30-minute complementary ‘Introductory Session’ is offered prior to beginning the formal coaching program. This is to make sure that you are aligned with your coach and that you would be comfortable with the coach being your ‘Trusted Thinking Partner’.

  • Wheel Of Life
  • Time to GROW!
  • Values & Rules Part 1
  • Values & Rules Part 2
  • Defining Moments
  • Empowering Your Self Talk
  • What Do You Want?
  • Principles For Success
  • What’s Driving You?
  • Creating Better Experiences
  • Calling On Your Strengths
  • Celebrating Success