Transition Coaching

Partnering with leaders and people to work through transition periods in their life, career, leadership role or business

I have partnered with leaders and individuals who have been looking for that special something, that 'wow' factor, a way forward, to expand their leadership capability, to improve their Safety Leadership performance and to be able to turn up energised to make a positive difference on a daily basis.

My clients have moved from being 'stuck' to'energiseď after experiencing life changing breakthroughs in my life and leadership coaching sessions.

  • Are you stuck? Not sure what to do next. Do you have too many options or you feel as though you have no options?
  • Are you new to a leadership position?
  • Are you In an existing leadership position but struggling with the ‘people’ side of your role?
  • Are you experiencing poor results in your team because of limited communications skills?
  • Do you want to communication effectively and develop rapport-building skills to use in times of rapid company change?
  • Do you want to know yourself better as a leader?
  • Are you looking for ways to increase your effectiveness in team situations?
  • Are you and your business experiencing rapid change?
  • Have you recently become responsible for significantly larger areas of the business and you are struggling to find focus?
  • Are you experiencing poor results in your team because of lack of clear direction and/or clear expectations?
  • Do you want to become more influential and charismatic in your leadership style?
  • Are you looking for ways to increase your effectiveness in decision making?
  • Are you in an existing leadership position and facing declining team performance?
  • Do you want to learn effective performance management techniques to use with your team?
  • Do you want to improve business results in your department?
  • Do you need to improve your ability to achieve goals?
  • Are you looking for ways to increase your effectiveness at communicating?
  • Are you working with high-performing teams who need inspiration to sustain their results?
  • Are you looking for additional approaches to add to their leadership skill set?
  • Are you searching for ways to increase on the job learning for your team?

Benefits of Coaching

Benefits of Personal Coaching to you?

People often engage coaches to:

  • develop their potential
  • to facilitate major life and career transitions
  • act as a sounding board
  • address self-limiting behaviours

Some expected outcomes of Personal Coaching:

  • Obtain a clear understanding of your life at present, including identifying specific areas for change/improvement
  • Obtain a clear understanding of the options available to move forward in your life and creating a plan to do so
  • Identify the hidden drivers of your behaviour
  • Align your inner processes more with your desired outcomes to accelerate results
  • Obtain a clearer picture of the moments of meaning in your life and an empowering interpretation of those events topropel you forward
  • More empowered self-talk to cut through self-sabotage
  • A goal-setting system to increase your effectiveness in goal achievement
  • A measure of your success with clear plans to move forward

Our Mission

At John Lynch Coaching and Consulting, our mission is to provide
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Our Values

Freedom to be the person you want to be through your ability to
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Our Commitments

Our clients are truly valued and have contributed to our success.
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Our Vision

To coach 10,000 leaders, in 10 years, to lead and live with compassion,
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